All the tours, we make in respect of the nature and the people that we meet. We don’t use the nature, we share it!

Canoe Tours in Danube Delta

We offer ecological adventure tours in the wonder land of Danube Delta.

Only in silence, you can experience the real image of Danube Delta, with its wonders of fauna, flora and people.

Our canoe tours will bring you to places where no engines or feet can reach.

Our guides are opened to suggestions and flexible, so you have also the possibility to create your own tour and program.

For more details and information, please click here!

Adventure Pedagogic Projects

The best method of learning is "LEARNING BY DOING".

We offer all kind of programs for team training, team building, communication, self confidence, self integration, etc.

Our infrastructure and the experience of our guides and trainers guaranty the success of our programs (and the results will be easy to notice in the productivity of your team).

For more details and information, please click here!

Trekking and Tradition in Apuseni Mountains

We also offer trekking & tradition tours in the Carpathians, especially in Apuseni Mountains.

Combining the locals' life and tradition with the beauty of these well known but not enough explored mountains, you can expect an unforgettable experience.

For more details and information, please click here!

Sport fishing in Danube Delta

We offer all our tours also for sportive fishing in Danube Delta.

Our infrastructure is fit for such tours, giving you the possibility to spend the overnights at local families, and our guides can lead you to the fishing places and assist you with advices.

We solve all the formalities for fishing and assist you during the whole trip.

For more details and information, please click here!