guide Romania, Rumania, Travel, Tourism, Danube delta, Carpathians, Transylvania, Canoe Trekking, Dracula, bearfoot, Barefoot

We are also travelers, we like also having tips for trips!
In case you don’t know if or when to come in Romania, here are some travel tips for you:
Danube Delta:

You don’t know what you want to see, or when to come to see-and-do what you like? Check what our guides have to say! Even if some topics are not of interest for you, still check them, they might be related to what you like!


WE ALL KNOW IT IS A SCANDAL RAISED BY THE SENSATIONAL HUNTING MEDIA! The trouble is not as big as it was sown, the area is reopened for tourists and fishing, there was no case of bird flu infecting humans…

Bird watching:

There are two best moments for bird watching in Danube Delta, both in the migration time.

The spring migration: birds come from the “warm countries” and start mating and breeding. Bird songs and colors are everywhere.

The autumn migration: birds get in big flocks and start flying south. Big flocks adults and juveniles get now together. Later, the migration from north arrives in Danube Delta.

During summer bird watching is also good, just note that the summer in Danube Delta has much higher touristical activity than the spring (so the place is more crowded).

ALSO NOTE: the existence of so many rare species in Danube Delta is not enough guarantee to also see them. If you want to be sure to see a bird, you should go to the zoo! We don’t offer guarantees which would include the manipulation of nature…we are not capable of that


In Danube Delta the fishing is forbidden during spring, until the 15th of June! (only the locals are allowed to fish for personal consume). So it is useless to plan a fishing trip in spring!

The highest season for fishing in Danube Delta is considered to be the autumn, especially for raptors. The summer is also good for fishing, but not so productive.


Mosquitoes appear in Danube Delta only during the hot season; the rest of the time, their presence is absolutely insignificant.


Most of the villages have an own water filtering pomp. So the drinking water is not a problem. However, if you are not satisfied with this, you can buy bottle packed water from mini-stores there.

The water has a proper temperature for swimming starting with the beginning of June and ending with the end of September.


You don’t need to go with heavy bags of food there. All the villages’ mini-stores assure the basic supplies you need. Beer, cigarettes, bread, cola, ice cream or water melons, you can find them all there, all you need is money. Bring only if you insist to have your favorite brand.


The locals are most active also in summer and autumn because the main occupation in Danube Delta is still fishing and reed harvesting.

Holidays and religion:

The population here is mainly orthodox. Most important holidays here are Christmas, Easter and Saint Mary’s Day (the 15th of August).


The tourists in Danube Delta, are spread in more categories, by season:

  • In spring come really less tourists, just the ones interested in quiet and Bird watching.
  • In summer come the ones which could take the holidays only then, or come for an overview, or just for fishing.
  • In autumn, come mainly the ones interested in fishing hunting or Bird watching.
  • In winter, come almost no tourists.


The climate of Danube Delta is dry-temperate; it is one of the driest areas of Romania. It is also the region with the shortest winter. There are to be felt two main influences: one from North (the rain bringer in summer and the cold bringer in winter) and one from South (dry wind in summer and warm in winter). The other two, West and East, have a lower influence. The West brings usually strong rains and storms, and the East makes itself felt by the salty humidity from the sea and rare rains (which are salty).

Even if the annual average temperature is over 11 degrees (Celsius), the winters are really cold (over 20 days under the freezing level). The average for the summer temperatures is 23 degrees (Celsius), but in July or August temperatures over 33 degrees (Celsius) are common. Springs are nice and warm, autumns are long.

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Bear watching:

On Racatau valley there is a reservation of flora, fauna and landscape. It is also known as the “Bear Reservation” because of the big number of bears in this place. We have there a high tower for watching, where we can wait for the bears to appear.

Again, we don’t present the guarantee of seeing them, but they sow off pretty often there.


Yes, you can also fish in this area. Here is typical mountain fishing.


The mountain areas in Romania are poor in the insect bio diversity. However, in the mountains you don’t need insect repellents.


The mountain waters of Romania are well known for their purity. It is seldom that the waters are not for drinking, but still, you should check where from the waters are coming. It is better to ask before you drink.

For swimming, they are cold but not deadly. If you’re in the mood of a really cold bath, there’s a place for you.


You don’t need to go with heavy bags of food there. All the villages’ mini-stores assure the basic supplies you need. Beer, cigarettes, bread, cola, ice cream or water melons, you can find them all there, all you need is money. Bring only if you insist to have your favorite brand.


The locals are active the whole time of the year here. In summer is agriculture, in winter is wood work and indoors work.

Holidays and religion:

The population here is mainly orthodox. Most important holidays here are Christmas, Easter and Saint Mary’s Day (the 15th of August).


There are not too many tourists in the areas where we bring you. It is not because it is ugly the place, it is just not advertised. And anyway, you are not a tourist to meet other tourists, are you?

However, there are more tourists in summer and in winter. The main tourist activities here are hiking, hunting, and skiing.


The position, altitude and fragmentation of this region put their stamp on the climate, typical for mountains. The annual average temperature is under 7 degrees (Celsius), meaning that the freezing level appears with the 1st of October, and lasts for 140-180 days. There are also a number of days with temperatures over 30 degrees...around 10.

Snow lasts here around 150 days/year. Summers have the top of rains in June (as a statistic data).

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Documents you need:

Except your passport, there are no special travel documents needed to travel to Romania. Normally, there is no visa needed to come in the country. You should check if your country is included in the agreement with Romania. If you need a visa, it is not a problem to get it. The European Union Members can enter Romania only with an ID, there’s no passport required. It is recommended to have all the time your id with you.


The national coin of Romania is Leu (means lion). The currency now is around 3.5 lei/Euro, and 3 lei/U S Dollar. However, this currency is really unstable, and you should check the currency, before starting your trip. Also note that Romania has changed the money in 2005, so, until the end of 2006 will be two kinds of banc-notes on the market. The new ones have the same aspect like the old ones, just that they are smaller as size, and they have less zeros (the change was to cut 4 zeros from the old bills).

ATTENTION! The ATM’s function with new money, so be careful how much you ask! Happened that people wanted 50 Euros, and ended with 500! The ATM’s pay only in LEI

Bucharest North Train Station:

Against the bad advertising, Bucharest North train station is fighting a lot, and they achieved good progress. The place is clean now, the burglars were kicked out, and the place looks much better now. But you know, a good guarding passes the great danger…so, you should still pay attention to the usual social environment of train stations! It is recommended not to go with drivers which offer a taxi, and not to accept any good offer! Hold your wallet and your mobile phone safe. There won’t be anybody just running and steeling your purse, but you should have an eye on your luggage.

Other places to see:

If you come from the west, there’s a use to stop in Transylvania. Of course Romania has something more to offer than Dracula, Danube Delta and the Carpathians! If you check the map of roads from our map link, there are pointed the main cities where there’s a use to stop, especially in Transylvania. Each of them has something different, a lot of history packed, and the former communism regime could not have such a destructive impact as on other areas of Romania.

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