Romania, Rumania, Travel, Tourism, Danube delta, Carpathians, Transylvania, Canoe Trekking, Dracula, bearfoot, Barefoot

What We Want

Tradition Apuseni Based on our experience, researches and studies, we came to the conclusion that social work and ecology go "hand in hand".
Pelicans Danube Delta picture We chose the way of combining these two domains for reaching people.
We want to show you a real image of the life of the places where we bring you to, combining wild life and locals’ life.
We combine activities like adventure traveling, ecological tours, tradition and agrotourism - so you can get the best out of your trip.
Apuseni Picture Our ways of moving from one place to another with canoes and horse wagons are not polluting; all you'll leave behind will be the water traces and your footprints. Canoe Danube delta
We spend the overnights at local people’s houses, experiencing their real life ("eat what they eat, sleep how they sleep").
All our tours are addressed to all kind of people of all ages, who would like to experience one of the most traditional and beautiful areas of Europe.