Romania Maps, Danube Delta map, Carpathians Map, Romania, Rumania, Travel, Tourism, Danube delta, Carpathians, Transylvania, Canoe Trekking, Dracula, bearfoot, Barefoot

Where is Danube Delta?

The Geographic Coordinates of Danube Delta are:
From 44°47’25" to 45°37’30" Northern Latitude
From 28°44’25" to 29°46’00" Eastern Longitude.

The parallel of 45° passes through the Delta, fact which determinates characteristics of great diversity; here it is felt also the influence of Black Sea. The surface of Danube Delta is 5640 km² (it is the second as surface in Europe after the Volga Delta) out of which 82% is Romanian territory, and 18% belong to Ukraine.

Click on the picture to see a larger view from the location of Danube Delta in the world.



How can you reach by road Danube Delta?

Click on the picture beside to see a larger view of the routes which we suggest to take in Romania (as roads quality, as points of interest also on the way, as speed, etc.).



For a more detailed map of Danube Delta, click on the image beside.



Where is Racatau?

Geographically, Maguri-Racatau area is situated at the intersection between the parallels of 46°28’N and 47°09’N and the meridians of 22°46’E and 24°12’E.

Maguri-Racatau area is situated in Gilau Mountains, in the superior pool of Somes Mic river, more exact in the middle pool of Somes Rece river, at 40 kilometers of Cluj-Napoca city.


Click on the picture to see a larger view from the location of Maguri-Racatau area in Europe.

Racatau location


How can you reach by road Racatau?

Click on the picture beside to see a larger view of the routes which we suggest to take in Romania (as roads quality, as points of interest also on the way, as speed, etc.).


Reach Racatau

For a more detailed map of Maguri-Racatau region, click on the image beside.
Racatau map